If you are ready to start your journey to slimness, beauty and health, let's get started!

The basis of a healthy diet is not about avoiding "yummy" foods, but, despite the strangeness of this sounding to many, about variety. This book will help you achieve your desired weight by enjoying delicious and varied meals, while avoiding self-torture!

About me:

Hi, my name is Adella Murray. My story began when I was faced with the challenges of being overweight. In my role as a regular person, I realized the need for change to improve my well-being. After graduating, I decided to share my knowledge and help others with their problems. It was from this experience that my book, Healthy Habits and Weight Loss, grew.

How does it work?

The main goal of my book is to realize how to change your lifestyle gradually, step by step, with self-love and concern for your well-being to achieve your desired weight for good.

Useful things. which you will find in the book:

Why habits?

Because lasting results in weight loss and weight retention are impossible with any diet. This statement is based on my many years of experience as a nutritionist, also confirmed by scientific research.

What is the basic principle?

The basic principle of a healthy diet is variety, not a complete rejection of tasty dishes. A varied menu not only provides the body with vitamins, but also serves as a guarantee of long-term adherence to a healthy diet and the prevention of breakdowns.

What is the healthiest habit?

Lunch should be larger than dinner and breakfast should be just as filling, ideally even more so, although few people stick to this. This is a food habit that not only contributes to weight loss and easy weight maintenance, but also to overall health and energy.

What other important things did we miss?

Another important aspect: don't forget to have snacks between main meals. Fruit, grain breads or low-fat dairy products (if they are included in your diet) are suitable snacks.

Testimonials from people who have read the book and applied all the recommendations:

"The book 'Healthy Habits and Weight Loss" is a source of inspiration and wisdom for those who strive for full health and a balanced lifestyle.

The book offers practical advice on creating a healthy diet, inspiring success stories, and innovative techniques for building positive eating habits. The importance of dietary diversity is emphasized here and it gives readers the tools to maintain long-term compliance with a healthy lifestyle.

This is a deep dive into the topic of taking care of yourself and creating positive life changes. Regardless of your current health experience, this book will be a trusted guide on the road to a stable weight, well-being, and joyful lifestyle."

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Immerse yourself in an exciting journey into the world of weight loss, armed with an informative guide!
